
Providing greater transparency and progress in ESG programs
QuantumLeap is the first ESG software platform designed to help auditors, business advisors and their clients, ensure that they can assess and report on all of their ESG requirements.

Australia Quality Tourism
Turning Compliance into Sustainable and Better Business.

Australian Tourism use our online advisory services for their Quality Tourism Framework, which includes Accreditation, Awards and Star Ratings programs, with the objective of improving the capacity and quality of tourism services.

The Accreditation program provides self-assessment and on-line evaluation enabling reach of the community which is large and geographically diverse.
Online feedback can be delivered through digital media and file transfer for evaluation so that when an on-site evaluation is undertaken the evaluator knows what to focus on and how to contribute more targeted value. Integrating the Awards and Star Ratings programs, increases participation and provides deeper insight for the judges.

Over six years of transparency and improvements
For 6 years the Australian Tourism Industry Council (ATIC) have taken advantage of the QLBS cloud platform and provided transparency and ESG improvement across the whole industry.
High performing organisations can be identified and rewarded, and easily recognised by consumers, and organisations that could risk the Australian Tourism brand are able to be spotted early so that corrective actions can be put in place.
The huge distances between locations in Australia mean that the process starts with self-assessment using evidence uploaded via digital devices - like smartphones and tablets. These assessments are evaluated and reviewed by on-line business advisors and program managers who may seek further assurances where required.
On site verification with specialist auditors can then be targeted at clients that exhibit the greatest risk, making the process more efficient.
Star rating assessments can be conducted using the offline capability of QLBS, when in remote areas with poor internet. Data is later uploaded to the system when back online.
​Award program judges conduct their own assessments building on the knowledge from the accreditation program and the direct feed from client ratings scores. This enables the Quality Tourism Awards program to deliver greater participant value.

Award program judges conduct their own assessments building on the knowledge from the accreditation program. This enables the ATIC awards program to deliver greater participant value.
Watch the Quality Tourism Framework Video that talks about the Quality Tourism Framework platform created in partnership with QLBS.
Find out more about the benefits that ATIC have achieved by combining
multiple tourism accreditation, business development and awards programs into a single, user-friendly online platform to develop the business and grow the market.

Suitable for any assessment; Compliance, Quality, Excellence
Detailed Analysis reporting and insights
Ideal for multi-scheme audits.
Easy to Integrate
A Seamless Flow: Pre-Audit, Audit,
Pre-Assessment, Self-Assessment and Hybrid
Online and Offline
Audit - for when you can't be there in person
Eliminate duplication and double-handling costs
Real-time collaboration,
in the cloud
Multi-user. Accessible by anyone, anywhere, through any digital device
An online, real-time, SAAS, audit reporting platform that offers visibility, consistency, reliability, integrity, control, confidence, rigour and flexibility.
Take a strategic approach to compliance rather than a tactical one.
Use QuantumLeap.

'Request a Demo' for a no-obligation demonstration of how our solution works and what potential it has for your organisation.