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Keith Phillips
Cyber security and Privacy
A Significant Board Concern in Australia.

Keith Phillips
QLBS Appoints Alistair Niederer as CEO
And Sets up Northern Hemisphere base

Keith Phillips
The Future of Auditing
QLBS Leads the Innovation discussion at the GLOBAL G.A.P. conference.

Keith Phillips
You can’t get AI without the I
AI needs the right data This paper seeks to ground the rush to AI in the fundamentals of setting up the right databases to support AI. AI...

Keith Phillips
Ensuring Supply Chains deliver on ESG Promises
As a professional services company, your clients want to be sure that they are delivering the ESG promises that they have committed to...

Keith Phillips
KPMG NZ and QLBS sign global SAAS agreement
QLBS to become KPMG Alliance Partner KPMG New Zealand has developed a Climate Risk & Resilience Navigator Tool comprising a diagnostic...

Keith Phillips
Thanks KPMG!
Thanks, KPMG, for an excellent webinar covering your research on the status of ESG Corporate reporting in New Zealand, and how we compare wi

Keith Phillips
ESG and the New Business Excellence: Past models of excellence need to transform.
One of the most dramatic transformations of business excellence is taking place as we speak. Societal attitudes and global awareness is...

Keith Phillips
ESG Reporting - highly visible, and critical to get right
In the July 2022 edition of The Economist, a special report covers the importance and failures of ESG reporting. In the opening article...

Keith Phillips
GLOBALG.A.P. V6: Auto-upload Solution - Register Now
It's now time to register for the auto upload solution for version 6 No time consuming manual uploads. QLBS has been working with...

Keith Phillips
Data Mining - Do you have Visibility Beyond Spreadsheets?
Do you wish that you could really take advantage of your data, so you can gain insights and make more informed decisions? Data can give...

Keith Phillips
Planting Trees for a Greener Future
Green initiatives from QLBS. Here at QLBS, we have a global reach, and we care about every part of our planet...

Keith Phillips
ISO27001 Certified for Data Security
In this world of increased cybercrime, many clients are increasingly concerned about the safety and privacy of their data. Here at QLBS,...

Keith Phillips
QuantumLeap Remote Audit - How Does it Work?
In today’s world of covid, isolation, vaccine passes, and reduced carbon footprints, carrying out remote audits when you can’t be onsite...

Keith Phillips
It's the Biggest Shift in Reporting since Accounting was invented!
Climate change, pandemics, and the natural/green-age revolution, have forced a dramatic change in reporting requirements. Throughout the...

Keith Phillips
The Power to be Your Best
When I was at Apple*, we had significant debates about what we were, and where our focus was. At that time, in the 1980s, we were minions...

Keith Phillips
Don’t just Blah! Blah! Blah! Make it happen!
The world has gathering in Glasgow, and everyone is making promises to reduce carbon emissions. Over the last 26 years much has been...

Keith Phillips
When you Look Around your Office, How Much Paper do you See?
I just read an interesting article in Exemplar Global’s The Auditor Online publication. Roger Woehl, CEO of Safety Chain Software, wrote...

Keith Phillips
We thought that NOW would be the perfect time to undertake a European Research Tour.
Whilst Australia and New Zealand are in lockdown, and the rest of the world bounces between opening-up and closing down, our QLBS CEO,...

Keith Phillips
Remote Auditing is Building in Popularity across Asia
A new report, published by the New Zealand-China Food Protection Network, has revealed the results of a recent study into the use of...

Keith Phillips
Regulations Growing Wild in Europe
On my current European trip, I have had one particularly interesting discussion with Giannis Griogorios, the owner/operator of a...

Keith Phillips
Exemplar Global Launches Online Audit Simulator; How do you compare to other professional auditors?
The launch of Exemplar Global's much-awaited Audit Simulator was launched for free use, this Monday. The Audit Simulator is offering...

Keith Phillips
Judging the 2021 International Best Practice Competition
Keith Phillips, President and CEO of QLBS was invited to Judge the 2021 International Best Practice Awards which were hosted by the New...

Keith Phillips
Why did New Zealand Farmers Drive their Tractors into the Cities?
In a land where produce prices are good, and there is no covid, the most extraordinary thing has happened. New Zealand farmers, in their...
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