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Keith Phillips
Get Free Auditing Experience
How do I get a job, as a young, newly qualified auditor, when I have no experience, and have never done an audit before?

Keith Phillips
The G7 Want More from ISO
The International Standards Organisation (ISO) reports: “In a post-meeting communiqué, G7 leaders called for the use of common standards,...

Keith Phillips
Green Auditing - How can Auditors Significantly Reduce their Impact on the Environment?
When you consider the tools and opportunities already available within the industry, if makes the idea of challenging the status quo both pr

Keith Phillips
How have Industry Leading Food Audit Organisations got their teams onboard with Digital Auditing?
The technology is here, so how do you get your auditors to embrace change, drop their pens, and pick-up digital tools? The best way to...

Keith Phillips
To all those Auditors and Assessors out there. You do one of the most valuable jobs in the world.
Every day, you work with producers to make sure that they are conducting best practices. You help ensure that the world’s food is safe....

Keith Phillips
Remote Audit Success with CCPB in Italy!
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, global travel restrictions prohibited CCPB from sending an auditor to Lebanon to conduct an annual audit...

Keith Phillips
Meet Bob. Bob is the CEO of the 'Crunchy Apple' Cooperative. Bob is worried about his audits.
His cooperative has 150 growers that have to meet a range of compliance schemes, including GLOBALG.A.P. Option Two. He needs to be sure...

Keith Phillips
How Close Is Remote Auditing?
It looks as if lockdowns are not going away anytime soon, which means that remote audit may become the new normal, sooner than we...

Keith Phillips
Growers Can't Ignore Expanding Compliance Burden
In these difficult economic times, growers can't afford to ignore the expanding compliance burden they carry. The cost burden of...

Keith Phillips
Helping Small Farms Overcome Compliance Roadblocks
How will small farms comply with increasing food safety and sustainable standards? “Most of the world’s farms are very small. Worldwide...

Keith Phillips
Join Keith - and other speakers - at the VIRTUAL ‘Future of Auditing Expo’ - online during October.
Keith will be drawing on a lifetime of experience of digital transformations in different industries, to explore how auditing is being...

Keith Phillips
Esta Semana Tenemos Tres Acontecimientos Importantes - y Todos en Español
Estamos sorprendidos por el creciente interés procedente de los mercados de habla hispana que desean servicios digitales de...

Keith Phillips
QuantumLeap Professionals have a Worldwide Reach
Exciting news from QLBS this week as we launch our new QuantumLeap Professional network; a team of trained professionals who represent...

Keith Phillips
Your industry is going digital… so, where should you invest your budget? Should you Buy or Build?
You know that spreadsheets are not providing the type of insights, visibility, access, and control that you need in the future. You can...

Keith Phillips
Remote Auditing – a Long Term Solution, Not just a Stop-Gap
Market leaders like GLOBALG.A.P. are ahead of the game and have already invested in remote auditing solutions - both their own and by...

Keith Phillips
Beware GLOBALG.A.P. November Deadline - Have you used Audit Online yet?
GLOBALG.A.P are warning certification bodies that, whilst the GLOBALG.A.P. Audit Online is already mandatory for GLOBALG.A.P. remote...

Keith Phillips
Agritech - A Priority Growth Initiative for New Zealand Exporting
A significant event was held at Zespri’s HQ in Tauranga to launch the Agritech Industry Transformation Plan which had been developed over...

Keith Phillips
QLBS: Approved Software Provider for GLOBALG.A.P. Audit Online
QLBS are the first audit software approved partner to submit IFA results via the GLOBALG.A.P. API in accordance with new 2020 audit...

Keith Phillips
Certification Bodies need Remote Auditing
One of the most critical issues facing a world in lockdown is keeping the food supply-chain open. Currently retailers and purchasers of...

Keith Phillips
Fruit Logistica Conference, BERLIN February 2020 - Exciting Updates
It’s that time of year again… 3,200 exhibitors from 90 countries, 78,000 trade visitors from 135 countries, and four days of speaking...

Keith Phillips
Webinar - Using QuantumLeap with GLOBALG.A.P.
Join us for a brief demonstration of Quantum Leap. CEO of QLBS Keith Phillips will show how easy it is to do audits and provide the...

Keith Phillips
Auditing; Are audit teams struggling to keep-up with multiple and changing audit schemes?
Because consumer demand for high quality food products is increasing, many new public and private standards for food safety have been...

Keith Phillips
Can NZ growers deliver the compliance required by global supermarket chains - into the future?
The reputation and capital value of a retailer or manufacturer can plummet very quickly if a negative story goes viral.

Keith Phillips
GLOBALG.A.P. and QLBS have been working together to bring certification bodies an easy-to-use cloud option for conducting GLOBALG.A.P audits
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