Manage Your Audit & Advisory Teams
A Quantum Leap in Trust and Transparency
Do you have a powerful workflow and data management system that delivers you collaboration and aggregation insights?
For Clients
A portal to sign up and request an advisory session
A portal to book a workshop or seminar
A summary of upcoming bookings and past interactions
Automatic feedback facility for advisory sessions and events
For Business Auditors and Advisors
A portal to track activity with all clients
Event management and action planning
Activity and referral tracking
Business diagnostic tools with auto-generated customized reports
Automated client feedback requests
For Managers and
Team Leaders
A view of all Client/Advisor activity
Activity and event tracking
Automatic regular reports and real time dashboards showing progress against KPIs
Ad Hoc customizable reporting and data analysis
Community capability data and community knowledge
Business Improvement Agencies
Public sector Economic Development Agencies provide capacity building programs to ensure good governance and the adoption of good practices.
Authorised business advisors can use diagnostic and program management tools in the cloud.
They are able to analyse business strengths and weaknesses across the community and manage and report on the whole program, to provide funders with assurance of good governance.
As a result ESG can be managed across the community.

Australia Tourism Accreditation and Awards
Turning Compliance into Better Business
Australian Tourism use our online advisory services for their Accreditation, and Awards programs with the objective of improving the capacity and quality of tourism services. The Business Acceleration Program (BOOST) in addition is intended to grow customer acquisition capability in order to deliver Economic Development growth objectives.
The Accreditation program provides self-assessment and on-line evaluation enabling reach of the community which is large and geographically diverse.
Online feedback can be delivered through digital media and file transfer for evaluation so that when an on-site evaluation is undertaken the evaluator knows what to focus on and how to contribute more targeted value. Integrating the awards program increases participation and provides deeper insight for the judges.

Australian Small Business Advisory Services (ASBAS)
Digital Business Solutions

Business Advisory Program and Advisory Teams Management
Different data views and workflow management for different users: Program Managers, Partners, Advisors, and Clients
Online access, mobile responsive, and in the cloud 24/7
Built-in consultant led assessments, and client feedback
Comprehensive diagnostic reporting, and qualitative and quantitative reporting for effectiveness analysis
ASBAS Digital Solutions program supports the Australian Government’s commitment to enhance the capabilities of small, local businesses. It delivers low cost, high quality, digital advisory services to Australian Small Businesses across four priority digital capabilities:
Websites and selling online
Social media and digital marketing
Using small business software
Online security and data privacy
The intended outcome is to increase access by small businesses to advisory services. The services support and enhance competency by improving small business satisfaction, by helping them meet increased demand for quality with digital business inquiries.
QLBS has provided a platform to enable small business advisors to identify needs and provide useful resources. It also enables the business advisories to understand the capability profiles of regions or clusters, and to report back to stakeholders on activities and progress.

New South Wales, Australia
Business Connect Program

The Business Connect program is a dedicated and personalised NSW Government program that provides trusted independent business advice and events to boost business success. Conducted by over 150 business advisors, 12 independent accredited providers offer business advice to over 10,000 businesses.
Each business advisor has a range of diagnostic tools that can be used to identify constraints to growth, and enable deeper advisory engagement.
These tools are customised for every stage of business and to drive strategic change in specific areas. They cover early-stage entrepreneurship all the way through the business lifecycle to succession planning. And they can be used to build specific capabilities in areas such as social media marketing or exports, to ensure that the appropriate measures are being taken for compliance such as health and safety.
Once the diagnostic is complete a pre-populated report is generated in the system.
The businesses get to understand their capability and get access to resources such as on-line services and workshops that help them in critical areas. Advisory services get to understand more about the community, and funders and stakeholders get to see the value that the business development programs are delivering for the community as a whole.
Business Advisory Program and Advisory Teams Management
Different data views and workflow management for different users: Program Managers, Providers, Advisors, and Clients
Online access, mobile responsive, and in the cloud 24/7, with two-factor authentication
Provider and Event promotions with booking functions
Built-in consultant led assessments, and client feedback
Comprehensive diagnostic reporting, and qualitative and quantitative reporting for effectiveness analysis

NSW State can view the whole program across the community taking corrective action to ensure delivery of outcomes. The CRM enables Dashboards and reports on day-to-day activity for all levels to control.

J. J. Keller - USA: Transport Compliance & Advic
External audits
Compliance audits for fleet certification
Advice on performance improvements
Multiple Compliance Regimes
J.J Keller have been experts in safety and compliance since 1953.
They are a trusted US advisory business that simplifies fleet compliance for
FMCSA compliance;
ELDs and ELogs;
truck driver safety;
vehicle inspection and maintenance; and much more.

Managing National Teams of Compliance Assessors
They look after transport fleet communities using a professional advisory system to assess quality and compliance across transport fleets in the USA.
The team operates across the states on multiple compliance regimes, and the system manages assessment activity as well as enabling interstate collaboration to produce high-value outputs.

New South Wales, Australia
Aboriginal Services - Winangay

Business Grant Management Program and Advisory Teams Management
Different data views and workflow management for different users: Program Managers, Providers, Advisors, and Clients
Online access, mobile responsive, in the cloud 24/7
Provider and Event promotions with booking functions
Built-in consultant led assessments, and client feedback
User specific training manuals and training videos
Comprehensive qualitative and quantitative analysis for reporting on effectiveness of delivery to clients

The NSW Department of Education is committed to improving the vocational outcomes and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people so that they excel, and achieve in every aspect of their education and training.
The Aboriginal Initiatives Unit manages a range of programs that focus on providing mentoring while at school, workplace mentoring, improving access to employment and training, and creating business opportunities, inclusively, for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
The Winangay system is a powerful workflow and data management system that enables the New South Wales Aboriginal Services team and all of their providers, mentors, advisors, and stakeholders to access a wealth of information on their clients.
It is available online, updated in real-time, and accessible from anywhere, at any time.
Clients also have access to the system, to sign-up for events, confirm appointments, update personal information, and provide feedback.

Heading 2
Winangay manages three overlapping programs that are aimed at Aboriginal and Torres Strait youth, encouraging education and providing mentoring and opportunities as they transition into adult life.
Opportunity Hubs - Young People
This program aims to provide Aboriginal young people with the confidence and knowledge to follow a supported pathway from secondary school through to further education and/or employment.
Barranggirra - Skilling for Employment Initiative
Barranggirra provides end-to-end support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander learners, through culturally appropriate mentoring. The goal is to ensure successful retention and completion of training, and improved post-training employment outcomes.
Aboriginal Business Advisory Initiative (ABAI)
The Aboriginal Business Advisory Initiative supports Aboriginal owned businesses by;
building capacity through greater connectivity to NSW Government Procurement,
supporting business start-up,
encouraging business expansion, and
providing access to training and job creation.

The comprehensive data that is amalgamated and captured by the system can be analysed and seamlessly reported on, to fulfill a wide range of official requests for information from funding authorities. It also provides detailed insights into the progress and successes that are being made within the region, helping to identify future opportunities.

I always praise QLBS’ functionality, quality, support and documentation at any meeting where the issue arises. It’s better than any other system I have worked with. Not to mention the nice people!
Andreas Hartung
Senior Data Systems Officer, Training Services NSW