Remote Audit Case Study

Case Study: CCPB - Remote Audit Success
In November 2020, CCPB, Italy’s most innovative certification body decided to pilot the QuantumLeap platform to conduct a remote GlobalG.A.P. IFA audit.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, global travel restrictions prohibited CCPB from sending an auditor to Lebanon to conduct an annual audit with one of its producers.
The pilot was conducted with the producer in Lebanon, the auditor in Egypt, and the reviewer in Italy. All were able to share opinions and evidence through 'the cloud' to the satisfaction of the auditing body.
Auditor in Egypt
Producer in Lebanon
Reviewer in Italy

How did QuantumLeap make this possible?
The Auditor was able to get a good understanding of what was going on without having to be physically present.
The Producer was emailed a link to the assessment. He could take pictures using his smartphone or tablet, and upload the necessary files. He could also add his own comments related to each control point.
The Auditor was then able to see those uploads in real-time and complete the responses in the checklist, based on the evidence provided.
The Reviewer was able to review all the evidence and comments and ensure that the audit was a thorough reflection of the situation.
How did QuantumLeap work for CCPB?
Three key people were able to collaborate and conduct an audit with ease, and see everything within the system - even though they never met.
The growers were very comfortable with using the system, very quickly. The growers found it so easy to use that they soon had 37MB of images and files uploaded to the system.
Once the audit was completed and reviewed it was automatically uploaded into the GlobalG.A.P Audit Online database, with no further effort needed by CCPB.
For similar or repeat audits, you can take a copy of a previous audit and amend as needed. No need to start from scratch.
The remote audit service offers so many benefits that we could use it even when we can get on site.

Control and Certification
CCPB srl certifies organic and eco-friendly sustainable products all over the world.
With the merger of CCPB and IMC (Mediterranean Institute of Certification), CCPB is the leader of 5 certification companies across the Mediterranean that are authorised by their respective agriculture ministries in Morocco, Egypt, Tunisia, Turkey, and the Middle East.
Marco Roffia - GLOBALG.A.P. Scheme Manager
“We were very happy with the process and outcome of this pilot.
Finding ourselves in a situation in which it is essential to guarantee one's own and others' safety, it became essential to adopt technology to our advantage, placing trust in companies that offer cutting-edge solutions such as QLBS.
This led to the participation of CCPB srl in the remote auditing pilot project which confirmed the starting hypothesis, i.e. there are effective alternatives to the physical presence of a person in the field, where one can interact in the same moment with people located in three different continents.”
Ehab Abdel Rahman - Lead Auditor, Egypt.
“This is the future!
I was able to get a clear view of what was going on, and I collected the evidence easily. When I wanted further verification I simply asked the producer to take photos using his smartphone for instant review.
I really appreciated this technology. We can use it in normal situations, not just during the corona virus pandemic.”

Watch Marco Roffia talking about his experience of conducting a CCPB remote audit at the Global Exemplar Online Food Safety Expo.
Remote Audit now offered as 'standard'
in the QuantumLeap Platform
Available on all schemes including GLOBALG.A.P. standards
Keith Phillips, CEO of QLBS
"We believe that this remote functionality service will be used in a number of ways.
It will be used for inspection by consultants and internal auditors. It will also be used to organise an audit more efficiently before the onsite visit, and it will be used when you simply cannot visit the farm physically because of pandemics, personal danger, or the high cost of reaching the farmer.
This will enable a safe continuous supply of food and income during difficult times, as well as a more efficient and lower-cost solution during normal times.”
An online, real-time, SAAS, audit reporting platform that offers visibility, consistency, reliability, integrity, control, confidence, rigour and flexibility.

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